Compilation of videos shows cats and snakes in deadly duels

Check out impressive footage of cats and snakes in deadly duels. Photo: Instagram Reproduction
Check out impressive footage of cats and snakes in deadly duels. Photo: Instagram Reproduction

The impressive video showing cats and snakes facing off in life-or-death battles is leaving internet users amazed!

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The clip, shared on Instagram, features a compilation of videos of cats fighting against snakes, and most of the time, the felines emerge as the winners of the jaw-dropping confrontations.

The video, posted in early January, has already received over 1 million views, along with more than 32,000 likes and several comments from internet users who were impressed by the scene.

“I swear, the cat’s reaction time is something else,” commented one Instagram user. “Cats won’t play with anything that annoys them,” said another. “The snake may have started it, but the cat finished it!” said a third internet user.

According to experts, the average reaction time of a cat is approximately 20 to 70 milliseconds, which is faster than the average reaction time of a snake, ranging from 44 to 70 ms. Meanwhile, the average human reaction time is 220 to 250 ms.

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